The Modern LeadHer Way

[081] Take Time Out to Ground

Emma Clayton

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We previously explored why embracing time out for yourself is essential for reclaiming balance and serenity. This episode introduces a free guided, grounding meditation session, as a gift from me to you.

Head over to our YouTube channel and take 20 mins time out to ground into the day ahead and experience for yourself the benefits of getting out of your head and reconnecting to your body.

Enjoy xo

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Speaker 1:

This is the Modern Leader Way, the podcast for corporate career women who want to feel good on their way to the top. I'm Emma Clayton and I'll be sharing with you tangible advice to help you stop sacrificing your soul in the name of success and experience more balance, confidence and fulfilment both in and out of work. Hello, my love. Welcome back to the modern leader way podcast. I'm doing something a little bit different this week, mixing it up a bit for you off the back of last week's episode where we were really looking at are you really taking that quality time out for yourself and really switching off, allowing that stress state to calm and to switch into your parasympathetic nervous system, where your body gets to restore and rejuvenate and your cells get to sing a little bit? And a lot of the feedback I get is no, I don't. And I realize you know how I intend to like put my phone down and not do the scrolling at the weekends and actually, before I know it, I've spent all of Saturday evening in front of the telly scrolling on my phone, and that's time you don't get back. So what I really wanted to do is give you a sneak peek, I guess, as to what happens behind the closed doors at the timeout retreat. At the timeout retreat Also, if you can never access that retreat because of where you live or you just can't do the dates, then you actually get to experience it for yourself. The opportunity to get out of your head, where we spend the majority of our waking time right up there ruminating over what was, or about the future, or thinking about all the to-do list items that we still haven't ticked off for the day. When we can get out of our head and like reconnect to the rest of our body, to feel our fingers and toes, to notice the sensations, to notice the areas of tension, to tap into our senses and really reconnect to our heart space, our creative space around the womb, then we get to kind of bring more of ourselves online. So what I wanted to do was record just a short version of what I do in the morning session on the timeout retreat.

Speaker 1:

So after we've had our little welcome, everyone's arrived and they're starting to chat to one another and get to know each other. Had a few like little breakfast snacks. We do a nice little potent juice, just a little shot to get you going and we make some warm breakfast muffins. You can add a little butter on if you want, and just sort of seize you through to lunchtime and then we sit down in the snug together and, after a brief introduction, we are moving into a grounding, centering, clearing meditation, and so I recorded a version of that for you today, and the reason this is short is because I've decided to put it over on my YouTube channel for you to watch, for you to save over there.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but I have a little meditation boulder where I save my favourite like soundtracks and and other things that I come across that I enjoy. So feel free to come on over there. You'll find the link in the show notes or you can actually just go to youtube, search for Emma Clayton, search for the Modern Lead Her Way podcast, and you should find my channel. Whilst you're there, don't forget to give us a follow and, like I said, save the meditation if it's something that you enjoy and maybe if you want to mix up your podcasting experience and watch the videos. You've got the last half of the podcast I've recorded on video for the purposes of YouTube so you can go back and look at your favourite shows and watch those conversations with the various guests that I have on and all the things. So I'll leave it there.

Speaker 1:

It's quite simple. If you are in a position now to take 20 minutes out for you, dedicate that time to you, spend it with me just going through this grounding meditation and just really notice how you feel going into it and how you feel after it as well, because we're giving yourself that space that your body needs to switch out of that stress state and into the peaceful state. And when we can recognize a different state that feels good, we want more of that right, so we're likely to do more of what feels good for us when we give ourselves a chance to actually experience it. So head on over there now, check out the show notes and let me know how you get on. I hope you enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

It was wonderful for me to show a different side of me and to record this for you in the comfort of my own home, and so, yeah, go over there, enjoy, take 20 minutes for yourself, don't run away. Do this for you and if you are in a position to join us at the next time out retreat there'll be a link in the show notes or reach out to me via email or social media. Thank you, as always, for being here, head on over there now and enjoy. Thank you.

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